A downloadable game for Windows

Blink is a Game Made By two beginner devellopers durin a Jam.

The idea was to create a tutorial without actually telling specificly the player which Key he should press to obtain the desired behavior. (like press F to take an object)

In the case you can't find out which Key to press to play the game we will still write it  here, so you can experience the prototype.

The prototype is a .Zip, so you gotta Unzip it to access to the .exe.

CONTROLS : ( Spoiler )


Move : W A S D keys or ARROW keys

Camera Movement : Moving the mouse around

Shutting left eye : Right click 

Shutting right eye : left click

Jump : Space key

Sprint ( not needed to manage the puzzles but still in the game ) : Left Shift

Pick and drop object :  E key

Access the menu : Esc key

Known Gameplay Killer Bugs : 

Eyes are inverted, game is still playable, but it might create unlogical behaviors like closing the wrong eye and seeing what you shouldn't be able to see.

While on a moving platform and holding an object it can collide with you and push you out.

You can croutch with : "CTRL" key, but don't do it or you'll break the game hahaha


Blink_Gjam.zip 39 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the Folder and launch the .Exe to play !

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